11th ed. 2023 – PIETRO MENNEA

Lots of guests and great emotion during the Mecenate dello Sport – Special Edition to pay homage to Pietro Menna. It is our duty to celebrate his memory on behalf of Italian sport, and not only. After ten prestigious editions we have decided to organize on the tenth anniversary of his death a Special Edition which will remain unique in the history of the Award. The aim is to celebrate and remember the legacy left by one of the greatest Italian athletes of all time: Pietro Mennea.
A brilliant example of tenacity, willpower, sense of duty and spirit of sacrifice in achieving each goal, as in sport as in life, with the courage and loyalty for freedom that has always distinguished him. An unique symbol and a guiding light social life and sport for the new generations.

On Friday 27 October, at the Salone d’Onore del CONI in Rome, we had the pleasure of remembering the unforgettable Freccia del Sud along with Giovanni Di Pietro, president of the Varaldo Di Pietro Foundation, Award, organiser, Manuela Olivieri Mennea, beloved Mennea’s wife and president of the Pietro Mennea Foundation, Andrea Abodi, Minister of Sport, Giovanni Malagò president of the Italian National Olympic Committee – CONI, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo president of Telethon. The event was presented by Matteo Marani.

The exceptional guests list ready to celebrate the sporting, social and spiritual legacy of Pietro Mennea didn’t not end here, because to pay homage to a Great, we needed another Great as well: Tommie Smith. After triumphing with the world record in the 200 meters at the Mexican Olympics in 1968, he was the protagonist on the podium of the famous protest gesture with a closed fist which over time became one of the most iconic images of the Twentieth century to support human rights. He sent to us a video message remembering the great moments spent with Pietro Mennea.



Premio Mecenate dello Sport
© Fondazione Di Pietro


Sede legale: Via Nascosa, 1445
Sede operativa: Via San Carlo da Sezze, 23

04100 Latina ITALY